Great Bishop of Geneva! Good News about Protestants · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : About the Late Craig Lampe, His Son, His Book
- I
- Me to GreatSite
- 3/8/2023 at 6:40 PM
- three questions
- 1) Is Craig Lampe still alive?
2) If so, why is The Forbidden Book still available?
Good News about Protestants
3) Are you all Young Earth Creationists?
Hans Georg Lundahl
- II
- John Lawton Jeffcoat III
- for GreatSite to me
- 3/8/2023 at 8:16 PM
- Hans: three questions
- Hans,
Regarding your three questions...
1.) Craig Lampe died on August 5, 2021. I had a great business partnership with Craig for over 25 years, selling all of The Bible Museum’s materials on my website at GREATSITE.COM from 1996 until January of 2023.
2.) His son, Joel, took over their end of the business and very recently made it impossible for me to continue to work with him.
For this reason, their materials (The Forbidden Book, leaves, facsimiles) are no longer available on my website at GREATSITE.COM
3.) Why do you care whether we believe in a literal 7 astronomical day creation, versus a 7 figurative “day of the Lord” creation… as long as we believe God created everything as described in Genesis… what does it matter which side if that argument we fall upon? That discussion does not enter into our dealing in antique Biblical materials in any way, nor is it a topic of discussion in “The Forbidden Book”.
John L. Jeffcoat
1-800-422-6243 or 407-704-5776
World's Largest Rare Bible Dealer
- Me to John Lawton Jeffcoat III
- 3/9/2023 at 2:20 PM
- Re: Hans: three questions
- 2) I am happy that Joel is no longer providing you that erroneous book;
3) I am fairly glad to have proven, contrary to the expectations of Trent Horn, that to have your view of Church history is not an exclusive prerogative of Fundamentalists.
Thank you!
Hans Georg Lundahl
- IV
- John Lawton Jeffcoat III to me
- 3/9/2023 at 2:47 PM
- Hans: questions
- Hans,
I really do not understand what you are saying.
You have stated that the book our organization published for 25 years, “The Forbidden Book” is erroneous? How is it erroneous?
You have stated that our “view of church history” is apparently bad and you are pleased that it is not exclusive to “Fundamentalists”? What does that mean?
What are all these negative comments about?
Who are you… what do you want… why are you emailing me to tell me that we are wrong about everything… but not explaining specifically what you are talking about?
- V
- Me to John Lawton Jeffcoat III
- 3/9/2023 at 3:01 PM
- Re: Hans: questions
- OK. Some explanations are in order.
I came across The Forbidden Book in the format of a video, a film documentary.
I then wrote a refutation:
Answers about "The Forbidden Book" (my arguments why The Forbidden Book is erroneous).
I then had the idea to get in touch with Craig Lampe.
I did, and got an email from him, as you would have seen if you had clicked the previous link.
Good News about Protestants (it now also links to our correspondence).
And, as I am a Roman Catholic with a Fundamentalist view of exegesis, I am happy to show fellow Roman Catholics that your view of the Middle Ages is not coupled with Fundamentalist views about Genesis 1 to 11.
Does this explain things a bit better?
Hans Georg Lundahl
- VI
- John Lawton Jeffcoat III to me
- 3/9/2023 at 3:11 PM
- Re: Hans: questions
- Hans,
What you have written in response to The Forbidden Book is a rambling bunch of nonsense.
- Me to John Lawton Jeffcoat III
- 3/9/2023 at 4:36 PM
- Re: Hans: questions
- Hope Joel had the good sense not to agree.
What's your main problem ...?
- Me to John Lawton Jeffcoat III
- 3/9/2023 at 4:57 PM
- Re: Hans: questions
- Was perhaps your main problem taking only ten minutes* to read it?
- * note
- I sent the link at 3:01 PM, he replied at 3:11 PM, same day. His opportunity to read a fairly long piece - 8431 words - was thus at the most 10 minutes.
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