Tuesday 15 October 2024

Contacting Jane Gendron and Others About Mike Gendron's Uncle the Priest

New blog on the kid: Claims by Gendron · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: Contacting Jane Gendron and Others About Mike Gendron's Uncle the Priest


Me to Jane Gendron
10/9/2024 at 10:57 AM
Mrs Gendron, your husband claimed before Allie Beth Stuckey he had an uncle who was a priest
Mike Gendron has no wikipedia page where people can fill in like where he came from.

The presentation has you coming from rural New Mexico, but your husband according to the wording could have been a Catholic on the Moon prior to 1985, when he left Catholicism.

I had intended to ask the diocese where he came from about the uncle, perhaps not a total bright move, since the uncle could have been stationed in a diocese far from home.

Have you met the priest who is your husband's uncle?

(Answers, if any, are intended for publication).

Hans Georg Lundahl


I received
Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

and it said (inter alia)
SMTP error from remote server for RCPT TO command, host: aspmx.l.google.com ( reason: 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please
try ...


Me to Info (of same site)
10/9/2024 at 1:33 PM
Fw: Mrs Gendron, your husband claimed before Allie Beth Stuckey he had an uncle who was a priest
[forwarding text and former adressee as per I]


Me to:

  • Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary
  • The Master's Seminary
  • Redeemer Bible Church AZ

... all of which had featured Mike Gendron on videos.

10/9/2024 at 1:51 PM
Do you know who Mike Gendron's uncle the priest is?
Have you checked with the relevant diocese he even exists?

On Allie Beth Stuckeys' show, he said, quoting the transscript:

and so I did the wrong thing I called my Uncle
4:37 the priest and I said Father Charles why does the Catholic Church teach a
4:43 different way of Salvation than the Bible and he said well Mike that's just not true I said well for example in
4:50 Ephesians 2:8—9 Paul writes for by Grace you have been saved through faith it's not of
4:56 yourselves it's the gift of God not of works so that no no one may
5:02 boast and he said oh my God doesn't really mean what he's saying there

The Catholic Church doesn't believe a sinner can earn his salvation, but does believe the justified needs to keep his salvation by staying in good works that God has prepared for him. See verse 10 of the same chapter.

It's already improbable a lifelong not just Catholic but at that pious and apologetically active one like Mike pretends to have been before age 35 should not know about verse 10. It's even more unlikely, if he didn't, that he didn't read on to it and ask the priest "does verse 10 mean that the good works we must do is really God's work" and the answer would have been (normally) a resounding YES.

But it's basically impossible that a priest should have responded "oh my God doesn't really mean what he's saying there" ...

Since 1950 it has become more common to hear such things about Genesis 1 through 11. But about NT things and about salvation matters, no. Not unless you get to depths like "Father James Martin" ("father" in quotes*) or McCarrick ("Cardinal" would equally be in quotes*).

So, can someone please tell in what diocese the priest is supposed to have been active, since Mike Gendron neither states it on his website, nor has a wikipedia page (a man can apply for the anonymity of not having one, and they respect it).

Or, if you prefer, would you find it neat to discuss it among yourselves?

I mean there are fraudulent ex-Catholics. You may have heard Alberto Rivera is a fraud, and I heard one African claim God saved him from the rosary, which he claimed has 66 beads. There are 6 Our Father beads. There are not 60 but only 53 Hail Mary beads. 6 + 53 = 59. And I'm counting the medallion, which takes the place of one bead. Mike Gendron's impossible priest uncle may be another of those give-aways.

Hans Georg Lundahl

* I'm not saying a sinner looses office, that would be heretical. A man preaching heresy, however, does, unless he's covered for a short time until he can be judged. That means the man who named McCarrick Cardinal wasn't Pope and the bishop ordaining Martin had no right to ordain. Possibly even no power, if he was consecrated in the new rites.


Me to contact form at Tumblar House
c. 14:12 (Paris time) 9.X.2024
"If you have a question for "Off the Menu," you can also send it here."
Mike Gendron when interviewed by Allie Beth Stuckey claimed to have phones his uncle Charles, a priest, about Ephesians 2:8,9. Given the very incoherent answer he cited, is Charles A. Coulombe that uncle "the priest" and was he playing a prank on a poor nephew?

Image of form


Me to Trey Talley, The Church at Pecan Creek
10/9/2024 at 2:32 PM
Fw: Do you know who Mike Gendron's uncle the priest is?
I saw you had featured Mike Gendron too.

[plus text as per IV]


Mrs. Jane Gendron to me
10/9/2024 at 11:53 PM
Re: Mrs Gendron, your husband claimed before Allie Beth Stuckey he had an uncle who was a priest
Hello Hans,

Mike’s dad was a US Army Colonel so Mike literally lived all over the world wherever his Dad was stationed. It’s not so important that Mike have a Wikipedia page, is it? What is important is that he accurately gives the Gospel to those who are lost.

Father Charles Gendron died several years ago in his eighty’s. Of course I met him on several occasions.

I am from NM.

Ho[efully this helped your curiosity. How do you believe a person has hope of going to heaven?


proclaiming the Gospel]


Me to Mrs. Jane Gendron
10/10/2024 at 1:29 AM
Re: Mrs Gendron, your husband claimed before Allie Beth Stuckey he had an uncle who was a priest
What diocese was he in?

Where Mike was is less important, I'd love to verify Father Charles Gendron exists, since his reaction to your husband's question seems so inadequate for it.

I mean as your husband told it to Allie Beth Stuckey.

How could he not answer Ephesians 2:10 after confrontation with Ephesians 2:8 and 9?

So, to your question:

  • God justifies
  • by grace and not from works

    (whether from original sin, from mortal sins first time over, or from mortal sin after relapsing)

  • man responds by walking in the good works that God has prepared for him to walk in now that he is justified.

He who stays faithful to the end will be saved.

Hans Georg Lundahl


Me to Missionaries of La Salette
10/10/2024 at 3:39 AM
Where was Father Charles Gendron in 1982?
Burma or the US?

[Reason for request,
I had found Charles Gendron, and a story he shared:

A Sick Call to Remember


I received
Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

SMTP error from remote server for RCPT TO command, host: lasalette.org ( reason: 550 No Such User Here


Me to Missionaries of La Salette
10/10/2024 at 3:49 AM
Fw: Where was Father Charles Gendron in 1982?
Burma or the US?


Me to Mrs. Gendron
10/12/2024 at 5:57 PM
Mrs Gendron, your husband sent me a thing about the Reformation
Or you did.

Either way, I think both of you should read my answer:

Claims by Gendron

Four days later
I added a sending of this post, showing our correspondence had been published.

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