Saturday 27 July 2024

Non-réponse par SNE

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Parutions en 1934 (selon la wikipédie) · Correspondence de Hans Georg Lundahl : Non-réponse par SNE · New blog on the kid : On essaie de me donner des astuces sur la publication


De moi à courrier SNE
Envoyé : jeudi 25 juillet 2024 21:11
Objet : Nouveau message de Contact


Hans Georg


Société / Organisme / Entreprise



Votre message
D'abord, le téléphone n'est qu'un vieux fixe qui n'existe plus depuis 1993. En Suède en plus.

La question que je pose est en deux parties :


De courrier SNE à moi
7/26/2024 à 10:14 AM
RE: Nouveau message de Contact
Les services du Sne n’étant réservés qu’aux maisons d’éditions qui y sont adhérent, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec un juriste ou un avocat pour toutes les questions portant sur la propriété intellectuelle.

Le Syndicat national de l’édition

Thursday 25 July 2024

With Christian Publishing House

Creation vs. Evolution: Old Earth Creationism : Incompatible With Science · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: With Christian Publishing House

Christian Publishing House has written this:

Christian Publishing House: How Should a Christian Understand the Age of the Earth Controversy?
Edward D. Andrews, 23.VII.2024

I responded like this:

Creation vs. Evolution: Old Earth Creationism : Incompatible With Science

I sent a notification to them, and got an answer, which I answered twice. All of the below so far from St. James' Day, after First Vespers.


Christian Pub House to me
7/24/2024 at 6:58 PM
Christian Pub House sent you a new message
I would disagree, and the article that I posted would show evidence that destroys YEC. If you need more, see my book below.

THE CREATION DAYS OF GENESIS: Were the Creation Days Literally 24 Hours Long?


Me to Christian Pub House
7/24/2024 at 7:08 PM
Re: Christian Pub House sent you a new message
If you want a review of it, please send me (for free) a copy to:

Hans Georg Lundahl
c/o ESI St. Martin
27 ter, Bd de St. Martin
FR-75003, Paris, FRANCE

I perused the article once again, and if you gave evidence that "destroys YEC" I would like in what paragraph you think you did that.

Or did you mean in the links attached below, which one would be most appropriate?


Me to Christian Pub House
7/25/2024 at 5:08 AM
Re: Christian Pub House sent you a new message
My essay 1015 words without footnotes, 1402 with them.
Your essay, 2700 words. Without the recommended reading.

Everything you had to state against YEC had to do with six days, except one tiny passage I just noted.

This brings me to the point, God had arguably already created all the male animals, before the forming of Adam, God then created the female animals in front of him, and when he named them, he brought them to their males.

I think a few hours of this would make him wonder if there was any female anywhere for him. He hadn't seen one.

Neither your answer, nor the actual essay adress:

  • we need a short total history of mankind for Adam's story to reach Moses unadulterated
  • we need a short total history of mankind for the delay about God's promise to be reasonable
  • the short total history of mankind we therefore need is incompatible with modern ways of ascertaining Old Earth (4.5 billion years isn't geology, it's U-Pb, if I recall correctly)
  • the short total history of mankind we therefore need is incompatible with the atmosphere having 100 pmC or close when La Ferrassie or Mungo Lake 1 were around
  • the low carbon 14 levels needed in their times are incompatible with a very old atmosphere

I could add on the latter vein, you are even destroying Genesis 14 by Old Earth, given carbon dates.

  • Abraham was contemporary with a Mesopotamian invasion of Palestine
  • this invasion targetted Amorrhaeans or Amorrhites of En-Geddi (Asason-Tamar in the text "which is En Geddi" as per II Paralipomenon 20:2)
  • the only or at least latest population that could be concerned is a Chalcolithic one carbon dated to 3500 BC
  • Abraham being c. 80 (between vocation and birth of Ishmael) would be sth like 1935 BC, which would make the carbon date involve 1565 extra years
  • for 1565 extra years you have an atmospheric carbon level as the carbon level now in a sample actually 1565 years old, namely 82.753 pmC, which is too low unless the atmosphere was still when carbon 14 levels were rising.

In return, grant a young atmosphere, grant this event would have been carbon dated to 3500 BC (or actually was, Nahal Mishmar hoard probably coming there by Amorrhites hiding it from Mesopotamians precisely in the Genesis 14 event), and you have explained why Mesopotamian sources (of the type generally seen as historic rather than mythological) are silent on this and on the five kings. Carbon dated 3500 BC is before any culture produced coherent texts in more than just proto-writing. Proto-Cuneiform may have existed, but if so was used to "belongs to so and so" "five lambs for two cows" and things.

You have totally ignored the scientific and recent evidence for a dilemma between YEC and contradicting the Bible in ways you absolutely can't cover by your "exegesis" of Genesis 1. You have just repeated talking points from 100 years ago, and omitted the scientific ones, part of which are more than amply answered by Flood Geology.

Hans Georg Lundahl

Towards Second Vespers, I have still not received any answers to my answers. I think the return mail was manipulated to make an answer reaching the publisher impossible, I'll use the support mail. — Done. Attached a (I) to mail II above, and a (II) to mail III./HGL