Monday 26 December 2022

An exchange with Lauren Bass, on Pope Michael

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: On the Late Pope · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: An exchange with Lauren Bass, on Pope Michael

First, her documentary:

Vatican in Exile (Pope Michael Short Documentary)
Lauren Bass | 17 Dec. 2019


me to Lauren Bass
12/26/2022 at 8:14 PM
Good and Merry Christmas Octave!
Can I ask you a few things about the Pope Michael documentary?

And, can I share the correspondence on my blog? Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl - which is where I share for instance questions and answers like this.

Hans Georg Lundahl


Lauren Bass to me
12/26/2022 at 9:14 PM
RE: Good and Merry Christmas Octave!
Hello Hans,

Thank you for reaching out. I met David Bawden/Pope Michael in 2019 while filming a short documentary about him for a university class along with four other classmates. While I was not personally acquainted with him, I will try to answer any questions you may have to the best of my knowledge.

Best regards,

Lauren Bass


me to Lauren Bass
12/26/2022 at 9:19 PM
Re: RE: Good and Merry Christmas Octave!
One thing - was there any indication to you or anyone you know, that His Holiness was under some kind of psychiatric treatment or juridic constraints due to mental incapacity?

Hans Georg


Lauren Bass to me
12/27/2022 at 12:03 AM
RE: RE: Good and Merry Christmas Octave!
At the time of filming in 2019, I was unaware of any psychiatric treatment that he was taking, and he did not appear to have any other juridical constraints. He seemed of sound mind during interactions with the film crew. No one else he was familiar with was present when filming and he seemed to have full agency and mental capacity at the time, though I am unaware how that may have changed before his death this year.



Lauren Bass to me
12/27/2022 at 1:47 AM
Re: RE: RE: Good and Merry Christmas Octave!
Apart from his having a stroke about a month before he died on August 2:nd, his status didn't change.

I find it unsettling that so many of those who take someone other than him for the Pope (notably Bergoglio) have spoken out and suggested he was mad.

I did not find him that either.

Thank you very much.

And best wishes!
Hans Georg Lundahl

Thursday 8 December 2022

Writing to an ex-JW


Me to Jack Grey
12/6/2022 at 10:48 AM
Fw: Good Day, I never was a JW ...
I could not get in touch with Vevian Vozmediano, but you will do too:

Fw what I had sent her:
... but I value some who still are - or in one particular instance, who was on the edge.

"When the truth that used to be truth has become truth again" - he was no fan of the new light theory.

This said, I never wanted to be part of JW's, as I have no wish to deny the Divinity of Christ or the Blessed Trinity.

Now, may I ask you, and put your answer, perhaps our discussion, on a blog of mine ... Correspondence de / of / van Hans Georg Lundahl ... what do you think I should do IF:

  • a) I am not a member of a high control cult (at least not one that worked out that way with me)
  • b) lots of people THINK I am
  • c) THEIR worries and efforts to get me out of it actually work like a high control cult pushing me into a kind of social prison?

Also, as you are an ex-JW, you may confirm, towards any Catholic favouring Day-Age over strict YEC, that far from my YEC being due to influence from the JW, it is actually their position that is if not from the JW, at least JW-compatible, and highly so?

Hans Georg Lundahl


Jack Grey to me
12/6/2022 at 1:33 PM
Re: Good Day, I never was a JW ...
Not sure why this was sent to me. Is there a question?

Jack Grey


Me to Jack Grey
12/6/2022 at 4:33 PM
Re: Re: Good Day, I never was a JW ...
Yes, to either or both of you.

A) Supposing I am NOT where you were when you were convinced JW's, and therefore, if I got you right, controlled, what should I do if a network thinks I am and goes on ambushing my life without convincing me, and don't say "go to the police" if the police would be involved themselves;
B) As I am a YEC and some "fellow Catholics" tend to present this as my being unduly influenced by JW's, can you confirm JW's are actually (like those people!) Old Earth, namely Day Age;
C) and hope you don't mind putting answers or discussion on my blog.

Hans Georg Lundahl


Jack Grey to me
12/6/2022 at 6:45 PM
Re: Good Day, I never was a JW ...
I think you are using google translate. Not sure if english is your first language but the questions are very difficult to understand.

A) If JWs come to your home and you want them to stop simply say: thank you for coming please put me on your: DO NOT CALL list. If they are your friends simply ask them not to discuss religion with you. - very quickly you will find out if they are your friends or they are there to convert you.

B) From my perspective JWs are using most of the techniques of undue influence. Eg: Shunning of ex members, fear mongering, believing they are special and the only ones that will be saved, stay with us or you will die, you are with us or you are against us, Governing Body is the only channel of communication with God etc.

C) You can copy and paste my answers wherever you wish

Hope that helps


Me to Jack Grey
12/6/2022 at 8:33 PM
Re: Good Day, I never was a JW ...
While my English is indeed not regionally anchored and not my first language, I am NOT using google translate.

And your guessing I were doing that is probably the reason why your answers are at least to point A (fortunately not to point C) adressing something other than what I actually asked.

A, my words:
"if a network thinks I am and goes on ambushing my life without convincing me, and don't say "go to the police" if the police would be involved themselves"

It should be clear from this, the network are not JW's. For instance, they are not usually admitted into the police.

A, your answer:
"If JWs come to your home and you want them to stop simply say: thank you for coming please put me on your: DO NOT CALL list. If they are your friends simply ask them not to discuss religion with you. - very quickly you will find out if they are your friends or they are there to convert you."

But my question was not actually about what to do about JW's. While they may legitimately be trouble to some, most notably ex-members, they are not to me.

B) The guys who are that to me are guys who tried no undue influence of my own perspectives, but are influencing others unduly about me. I am referring to people in Trad Catholic parishes who are telling their young or generous parishioners about me "he's influenced by JW's, otherwise he would be day age like we and not Young Earth Creationist like they are." So, I was asking you to confirm that in fact JW's - like them, not me - favour the Day Age reading of Genesis 1.

C) Thank you very much.

Hans Georg Lundahl