Monday 18 October 2021

Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture?

moi à Avenir de la Culture (sécretariat)
10/7/2021 at 6:03 PM
Votre dernière vidéo ...
... est celle-ci :

7 oct. 2021 | Avenir de la Culture]

Or, il y a un bloggueur qui a fait ce qui est en son pouvoir pour renverser le processus, avec 9000 articles, première langue anglais, deuxième langue français, malgré les langues d'enfances suédois et allemand. Moi.

Et il y a un genre de personnes qui a bloqué. Le genre qui dit "ce mec est quand même de culture anglo-américaine, peu importe s'il est Chrétien, ça n'a pas sa place en France"

Hier, deux volontaires se sont approchés de ce bloggueur, et l'un d'entre eux a parlé de moi comme ayant une philosophie empiriste, genre Hume ou Locke. Ma réponse se trouve sur le dernier de ces billets de blog, les quatre autres ayant été écrit avant cette conversation d'hier:

Répliques Assorties : Science et Culture - Après 2000 · Marc Robidoux avide de me juger comme mégalomane ... · Est-il encore possible de croire au géocentrisme ? - Mes commentaires sous une réponse d'un autre · Si l'acentrisme rélativiste choque le bon sens, il reste à prouver ... · New blog on the kid : Hume & Locke vs. Décartes? Non, St. Thomas contre les trois

Wednesday 13 October 2021

No Answer from Dr. Liebi, So Far?

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Somewhat Sectarian Style, Semel · Somewhat Sectarian Style, bis · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: No Answer from Dr. Liebi, So Far? · Stefan Claesemann tries to take it in private with me · Creation vs. Evolution : Let's Carbon Test Stefan Claesemann's Chronology · Correcting the Test

At least I found no answer in my mail and it's already a week from my sending the mail.

Me to Dr. Roger Liebi via Dieu-TV
10/5/2021 at 4:48 PM
Grüezi Dr. Liebi ... "Israel in Egypt"
Can we take it in English from here, as my Swiss German is faulty, I don't doubt your standard German, but English is even more international?

Freilich ist mir Deutsch auch kein Problem, wenn Sie vorziehen! I bin a Weana(r) ...

Also, ein gewisser ... a certain Stefan Clasemann is using your work to prove the Exodus happened in 1606 BC.

I happen to hold with the Roman martyrology, it happened in 1510 BC.

Now, part of the conundrum is whether the Santorini eruption was used by God as part of the 10 plagues.

But assuming it was, another part is, does a carbon date 1606 BC imply the event actually happened 1606 BC?

Here is where it get's interesting, because ... a carbon date of 40 000 BP, I think we might agree here, doesn't mean the event happened 38 000 BC.

This poses the question : did you think over for how long back and why carbon dates are reliable, and how the transition happened?

I did.

A bone of an individual, human or beast, died 2000 years ago will arguably carbon date to 2000 years ago. Or a little more.

But a bone of someone who died before the Flood? Or at Babel?

I think we deal with a gradual rise of C14 in the atmosphere, and that at the Exodus, this was still ongong, in other words, things will carbon date to earlier than they were in reality.

Hans Georg Lundahl

Considering Stefan Clasemann did not give me contact info other than name, and considering the other contact info I found had no result, I must conclude he was in bad faith to pretend I could take the debate with Dr. Liebi, and there may have been a gentlemen's agreement between them, or at least between Dieu-TV and Stefan Clasemann, to deny me all debate. Stonewalling, anyone?/HGL

Sunday 3 October 2021

Other Ghost Writer Eliminated : His Holiness Pope Michael


Me to Pope Michael
9/20/2021 at 1:44 PM
As Stephan Borgehammar is not my ghost writer, neither are you, right?
I was showing the url for my blog to those offering money and one who revisited spoke of visiting "your friend's blog" as if it weren't mine.

Here Professor Stephan Borgehammar has cleared himself of being the ghost writer:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one)

So, if you clear yourself too, I'm cleared of having a ghost writer and the 1.65891472868 / day between January 1st and September 15th show I am no drug addict or alcoholic too severaly disabled to be actively writing ...

Hans Georg Lundahl


Pope Michael to me
10/2/2021 at 4:39 PM
Re: As Stephan Borgehammar is not my ghost writer, neither are you, right?
No I am not your ghost writer.

Fiat voluntas Tua. Give me the ability to see it and the grace and strength to do it.


Me to Pope Michael
10/2/2021 at 5:46 PM
Re: As Stephan Borgehammar is not my ghost writer, neither are you, right?
Thank you! May I add that to a separate message on the blog?


Pope Michael to me
10/2/2021 at 6:14 PM
Re: As Stephan Borgehammar is not my ghost writer, neither are you, right?


Me to Pope Michael
10/3/2021 at 3:33 PM
Re: As Stephan Borgehammar is not my ghost writer, neither are you, right?
Thank you, Your Holiness!